Create and send beautiful email newsletters that are designed to increase customer engagement and conversions.
Don't send everything to everyone. Easily create and target unlimited audience segments.
Get real-time data on performance and conversion tracking with reports built for eCommerce.
Work on your own schedule and get maximum engagement with scheduled delivery.
Stop losing time adding UTM parameters manually. Enjoy automatic UTM parameters and track campaign performance in Google Analytics.
Get creative with mobile-ready email templates
Take full control of how your email content looks. Design without coding with the drag-and-drop email composer. Use blocks, images, buttons and more to create the perfect email for your audience.
Choose from our gallery of pre-built templates and save time. Customize any template to match your brand and prepare for great performance.
Bring your customers closer to your store with every email sent. Insert products directly from the Email Editor with a simple drag-and-drop.
Store all your photos, graphics and other assets in one central place and use across all your marketing campaigns. No more back-and-forth emails — your team can quickly find what they're looking for.
Hear what our amazing customers have to say
We made the switch from Mailchimp and we're very satisfied with Movalio.
The automation features and the widgets the platform provides opened new opportunities to communicate with our audience. We're now using new marketing channels with great results.
Track and analyze your newsletters key performance metrics. Get real-time data with reports built for eCommerce.
Choose the model to represent your marketing strategy
Export detailed reports in PDF or Excel files.